

A number are placed around the village for use by residents in icy conditions at their own risk.


An old orchard behind St Leonard’s Church maintained as an area of conservation.


From the postbox on the corner of Orchard Close and High Street, the postbox on Moorend Road (by the notice board) near Hesketh Road, and the One Stop shop on Hesketh Road.

Collection times: Monday – Saturday 07.00.

Later collections from Post Offices in Towcester and Stony Stratford.


Free magazine produced by a team of volunteers for the parish of Yardley Gobion, Potterspury & Cosgrove, and distributed monthly to every house in the 3 villages. Contains news of village activities, Council reports, and church services, with a monthly diary of events.

Contributions from residents are welcome.

Village Editor - Jeff Haigh.  - Tel: 01908 543581

Advertisements : Mr Peter Webb 70 Mays Way, Potterspury, Tel: 01908 542207 -

Parish Council Allotments

Adjacent to the Yardley Road. £25 a year for a 5-pole plot.

Enquiries for vacant plots to: Miss Lesley Ratcliffe (Parish Council Clerk), Tel: 01908 542150 -

Parish Council Notice Boards

The notice boards are only for notices either from the Parish Council or about activities taking place in any of the volunteer-run premises within the Parish.

Keyholder: Miss Lesley Ratcliffe (Parish Council Clerk), Tel: 01908 542150 -


  1. On the wall by the Post Office.
  2. At the junction of Chestnut Road with Hortonsfield Road
  3. On the wall at the side of Hesketh Road shops
  4. Outside Asana Lodge on Moorend Road

Parish Council Playing Fields

Provided and maintained by the Parish Council and known as the “Coffee Pot Field” and the “School Lane Field.” These public open spaces include full-size football-pitches and fenced-off play-areas for children. Dogs are not permitted in play-areas.

SNC – Refuse Collection Service

Note – Yardley Gobion is in the South Northamptonshire Area of West Northamptonshire Council

Rooms For Hire

Yardley Gobion Village Hall – Chestnut Road.

Bookings - Katie Heenan -

Recreation Centre - School Lane 

Contact Hazel Wedderburn -

Chestnut Road Chapel

Contact Eileen Weston - 01908 542706

“Use It or Lose It”

Please use the village facilities and keep them alive for many years to come.